An unpublished diassarion of Diadumenian from Midaeum with King Midas on the reverse
Los 1465
PHRYGIA. Midaeum. Diadumenian, as Caesar, 217-218. Diassarion (Bronze, 26 mm, 8.06 g, 6 h), 218. M ANT ΔIAΔOYMENIANON KA Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Diadumenian to right. Rev. MIΔA•EΩN Draped bust of King Midas to right, wearing Phrygian cap. BMC -. SNG Copenhagen -. SNG von Aulock -. Von Aulock, Phrygien II -. Unpublished and unique, a very interesting issue. Somewhat rough and with some deposits, otherwise, very fine.

This hitherto unpublished issue adds a fourth emperor to the list of rulers issuing coins in Midaeum with the portrait of the eponymous founder King Midas on the reverse (the others being Lucius Verus, Maximus and Gordian III). It is worth noting that Midaeum shared its obverse dies for Macrinus and Diadumenian with its neighboring city of Dorylaeum, indicating a centralized production of coins under these rulers. The meaning of the enlarged A in the reverse legend, on the other hand, is unclear: it cannot be a denominational mark, as it occurs on coins of differing sizes, and it is sometimes combined with a large B, which likely stands for 'year 2' = 218. For a longer note on King Midas, the eponymous founder of Midaeum, see below, lot 1467
750 CHF
600 CHF
2800 CHF
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